National Week of Prayer for Vocations. Cir. 23.59

Dear Parishioners of OLOP:

I share with you a beautiful message from Bishop Gregory regarding vocations. There is also a beautiful video for you to view. Please share this with your family and friends. Let us continue to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life, as well as vocations for married couples and families.

Fr, Vincent

Dear Brother Priests, Deacons and Subdeacons, Consecrated Men and Women, Seminarians, Lay Faithful. Cir. 23.59

This week is the national week of prayer for vocations.

A vocation is a calling, a unique path that God has designed for each one of us. It can manifest in various forms – as a priest, a religious sister, a monk, or a lay faithful. Every vocation is a gift and an opportunity to make a positive impact in the world.

It is important to take a moment to listen to the whisper of one’s heart. That whisper might be calling one towards a special life of service, love, and purpose.

I invite you to view and share this video produced by Nadim Khalid, one of our seminarians, with the help of our eparchy vocation team, and discover and nurture the vocation that God has placed within you, and be faithful to his call no matter where he leads.

God bless you all, and may your vocation be filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

+ Gregory.