10 Days Trip to Lebanon

Dear Parishioners of OLOP:

Attached is a message from Fr. Tony Youssef who is sponsoring a pilgrimage to Lebanon. If anyone is interested please contact Fr. Tony by the end of July.

Fr. Vincent

Dear Fathers,

I pray all is well with you and your parish!

I am kindly asking you a favor, to share my pilgrimage trip to Lebanon (9/20/23 to 10/01/23) with your parishioners. I am sorry for this last minute request. The last day to reserve is the end of July.

I have attached a JPEG file and a PDF file for your convenience. Please feel free to post it, publish it in your bulletin, and if it’s feasible to send it in a direct email to your parishioners.

Please call me should you have any questions or concerns and I will be very grateful for all your help.

Thank you and God Bless,
Abouna Tony Youssef

St. Ann Maronite Church
1320 Price St.
Scranton, PA 18504
(570) 344-2129